Hello everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving weekend, friends! I'm really excited to tell you about my show this week. Not only is it my 30th show, but it's my 8th anniversary on SpiritPlants Radio! And on top of all that, it's SpiritPlants Radio's 15th anniversary weekend!
For this anniversary show, I tried to include (as always) some new finds, like Dead Horses and Front Country, and some old favorites, like the Crane Wives and Florence and the Machine. I think there's a nice mix of fiddle-y bluegrass, with some great singer-songwriter vibes mixed in. I think you'll enjoy it!
I hope you all had a nice holiday leading into this weekend. What a great time to give thanks for all the hard work that goes into running such a great station, while listening to and enjoying the great shows that are planned! Head on over to SpiritPlants Radio to see the full schedule.
I'll be back soon with my annual winter show - stay warm til then!
Take care,
DJ Blue