Hi everyone,
I hope you're all having a wonderful summer. It's hard to believe it's already coming to an end, but I cannot wait for autumn! I'm so happy to share my new show with you. It contains a lot of new-to-me songs from some of my long-time favorite artists, like the Crane Wives and Chris Pureka. But I also included some comforting (to me) songs from long ago, from Paula Cole and others. I think it's a nice mix of new and old!
As always, please check out SpiritPlantsRadio all weekend long for some great shows, and you can also find all of our playlists and archives there.
Yesterday, I was laid off from the job that I've had for the past seven years. It was a shock but here's to finding new doors while making lemonaide, and definitely to having more time for making and enjoying good radio shows!
I'll be back soon, and take care!
DJ Blue